Beginning in 2015, Amerandus Research will host three blogs relevant to areas in which we are active and have professional expertise. The blogs will primarily be authored by three members of the firm, as indicated on the posts themselves. Guest posts and research articles will also be published.
Given our growing efforts in the handling of scientific research misconduct, we are hosting a blog on fraud investigation (“FrinvBlog”). The FrinvBlog posts are not intended to be limited solely to the area of research misconduct, and may even overlap with cognitive topics (see below). Second, we are hosting a Confidential Communications (“ConfComm”) blog. This has been promoted by for some time by our network security expert primarily as a way to provide educational materials to various people who work for or with us. Finally, and probably most unsurprisingly, we will have a Cognition Blog (“CogBlog”) that will follow developments in clinical trials involving cognition.